Wienerberger is a global specialist in wall solutions. In India, the wall solutions offered by Wienerberger come under the brand Porotherm Smart Bricks. Porotherm is a large format, clay hollow block that is available in two main categories: Non-load Bearing (Infill/partition walls) and Load-bearing (G+1 construction without RCC). The non-load bearing hollow blocks include Porotherm HP (Horizontally Perforated), Porotherm HP G (Grinded) and Porotherm Thermobrick; whereas the load-bearing brick includes the brand Porothrm VP (Vertically Perforated). All blocks come in 3 sizes (4", 6" and 8") along with half bricks. As a value add, Wienerberger also provides END Bricks for wall endings & junctions, door & window jambs as well as 'T' & 'L' junctions.